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GENERAL | email | my account | forums

Q.Do I need to register for a ratemylandlord.com account to use the site?
A.No ... if you want to search for a landlord or property to view a landlord's rating, or read or post to the forums.

Yes ... if you want to rate a landlord or add a landlord to the ratemylandlord.com database.

Q.Do I need to accept cookies for the ratemylandlord.com site to work properly?
A.No ... if you want to search for a landlord or property to view a landlord's rating, or read or post to the forums.

Yes ... if you want to register for an account, sign in, manage your account, rate a landlord, and other such activities.

For more information on cookies, read "How Internet Cookies Work".

Q.Does the site use javascript? Do I need to enable javascript for the site to work properly?
A.The site does use javascript in several places, most heavily in the forums; disabling javascript for this site will diminish your ability to use the site but will not render the site completely useless.
Q.What does it mean to watch a landlord?
A.When you watch a landlord it means that you will be sent an email notification if the landlord's rating changes. (You will not be sent an email if you are the member who causes the landlord's rating to change.)

If you want to watch a landlord, simply click on the binoculars (watch this landlord) displayed at the top of the landlord information page.

Only registered members can rate or watch landlords.

EMAIL | general | my account | forums

Q.When I register for an account do I get an email address @ratemylandlord.com?
A.Not presently. But if there is enough demand then we'll hand them out. There is such a small amount of email sent on behalf of ratemylandlord.com that using your existing email address seems reasonable. Let us know if you think differently.
Q.I'm wary of telling you my email address. What kind of email will I get from ratemylandlord.com?
A.You will be sent email from ratemylandlord.com when you request it, under the following circumstances:
  • When you register for an account: an email containing a registration code will be sent to you so that you can verify it was you who registered for the account.
  • When you request a lost registration code: if you lose the registration code you can request that it be sent to you again.
  • When you request your password: an email containing your password will be sent to you.
  • When you change your email address: an email containing a confirmation code will be sent to your new email address so that you can verify the change.
  • When you add a landlord: if you've requested to be notified when that landlord has been approved.
  • When you watch a landlord: when you are watching a landlord and that landlord's rating changes you will be sent an email notifying you of the change.
  • When you request help: if you are having problems using the site -- or otherwise have questions about the site -- and you ask for a response.
As a registered member, you will also be sent email from ratemylandlord.com to advise you of changes to the Privacy, SPAM, or Acceptable Use policies which govern the site.
Q.I'm wary of telling you my email address. Do you share my email address with anyone?
A.No. Our use of your email address is governed by the site privacy policy.

MY ACCOUNT | general | email | forums

Q.How do I manage the landlords for whom I receive notifications?
A.Select the my account link in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Then select the My Landlords link. (This area requires that you are signed in.)
Q.How do I change my password?
A.Select the my account link in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Then select the Password link. (This area requires that you are signed in.)
Q.How do I change my account preferences?
A.Select the my account link in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Then select the Preferences link. (This area requires that you are signed in.)
Q.How do I change my account information (such as my name or my email address)?
A.Select the my account link in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Then select the Personal Info or Email Address link. (This area requires that you are signed in.)

FORUMS | general | email | my account

Q.Do I need a ratemylandlord.com account to read or post to the forums?
A.No. Anyone can read the ratemylandlord.com forums and anyone can post messages to the ratemylandlord.com forums.

If it turns out, however, that there are inappropriate posts in the forums then the forums will be changed so that you either need to have a ratemylandlord.com account to post or they will become moderated.

Q.Is my email address visible when I post a message to the forums?

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