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Wilkins Chan

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Landlord's Addresses (1)
572 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5T 5L7
Home: 604-261-1167
Mobile: 604-889-8959
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Landlord's Properties (1)
283 East 45th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5W 1X2
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one starOVERALL
one-half star (2)The landlord was easy to work with.
one-half star (2)The landlord was forthcoming and accomodating.
one-half star (2)The landlord communicated in a timely manner.
one star (1)The landlord addressed my concerns.
two stars (1)The landlord's expectations of me were reasonable.
one star (1)The landlord conducted a proper move-in inspection.
one-and-one-half stars (2)The landlord respected my privacy.
zero stars (2)The landlord promptly completed repairs.
one-half star (2)The landlord accurately completed repairs.
this landlord has not been rated on this particular questionThe landlord conducted a proper move-out inspection.
this landlord has not been rated on this particular questionThe landlord promptly refunded my deposit.
one star (1)I would rent from this landlord again.
rate this landlord
Browse the 2 additional comments for this landlord.
  • This landlord's information has been viewed 5,858 times since 07/31/2007.
  • This landlord has been rated by 2 members.
  • Link to this landlord's details directly via
  • Updates to this landlord's information may be submitted here.

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